
Ben and Gali’s Journey Back to Health

November 10, 2023

Ben Binyamin, 29, and Gali Segal, 26, a couple from Ramat Gan, attended the now-infamous music festival near Kibbutz Re’im, where so many were murdered.

They ran from their attackers, not thinking they would make it out alive. While they were trying to reach a protected area, a Hamas hand grenade went off next to them, costing both of them their right leg.

They were initially rushed to Soroka Hospital and then to the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera for treatment, where they had adjoining beds.

In this photo the couple is being celebrated out of Hillel Yaffe for their discharge.

Now they are ready for rehabilitation. And that’s where Sheba comes in.

As one of only two rehabilitation hospitals in Israel, and the largest, Sheba will shoulder much of the rehab burden for Israel. Almost 100% of injured soldiers and a majority of civilian wounded will receive rehabilitation from or at Sheba Medical Center.

Overnight Sheba’s rehab beds were doubled from 40 to 82, and now another 36 beds are being added.

It will be an enormous task, and the longer the conflict goes on, the greater the rehabilitation challenge.

I do know this. Ben and Gali will get their lives back and be taught and provided with the equipment to overcome this turning point in both their lives.

Sheba can get it done, if we help give Sheba the tools. Few rehabilitation hospitals in the world could increase capacity by 300% in a matter of weeks, under wartime conditions.  Sheba can do it.

Will you help Sheba to help Ben and Gali and the hundreds more to come?

Am Yisrael Chai,


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