
“The Diamonds Are In Our Hands”

February 16, 2024

“The diamonds are in our hands.”

This was the code Israeli special forces used to signal that they had initiated the rescue of hostages Fernando Simon Marman, 60, and Louis Har, 70, from Hamas captivity.

From the hands of Israel’s most skilled and dedicated warriors to the hands of Israel’s most skilled and dedicated medical professionals, Fernando and Louis were helicoptered directly to Sheba Medical Center and the waiting arms of their loved ones. The helicopter landed at Sheba at 3:14 am.

Several of Israel’s special forces personnel who had rescued and accompanied Fernando and Norberto, were also greeted with hugs, kol hakavod’s (job well done), bottles of water and snacks, as they spent a few quiet moments processing what they had just accomplished, before boarding the helicopter once again and returning to the battlefield.

The scenes of arriving family members several minutes later, who were finally reunited, four months after Fernando and Norberto were kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak, brought tears of joy to everyone in the room, including medical and IDF personnel.

Sheba has received the most hostages of any hospital in Israel, as they have received the most casualties and the vast majority of the soldiers needing rehabilitation.

The Medical Center has gone to great lengths to protect the privacy of the returning hostages. The security protocols to keep out the press and the curious have been more extensive than the security involved when the Prime Minister is treated at Sheba.

The detailed preparations have included starting the healing process from the first moments, with every aspect considered in making the experience, and their first taste of freedom, as comforting as possible. From the very sheets on their first bed of freedom – high quality “home type” sheets instead of hospital bedding – to the smells, sounds and lighting, no detail is too small. They even rolled the towels the way a hotel would, and offered beauty salon services to those who wanted to greet their loved ones with dignity and a sense of self-worth.

Sheba’s work doesn’t end after the tearful reunion with loved ones. Sheba continues to provide physical and mental consultation and healthcare to all the hostages they received, as long as needed.

This includes both in person visits and remote visits using “Sheba Beyond’s” remote health care technologies.

The world looked on in amazement at the rescue and the scenes from inside Sheba.

We cannot forget that as many as one hundred and thirty four hostages remain.

Each a diamond to be treasured, searched for, and redeemed.

We will not rest until this happens. And whatever time or day, Sheba Medical Center will be ready.

Am Yisrael Chai.


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