
Avida Just Wanted to Go Home

April 26, 2024

On Oct. 7 Kibbutz Be’eri was attacked by seventy Hamas terrorists who slaughtered ninety-six people — 10% of the peace-loving farming community’s residents. Twenty-six Kibbutz members were taken hostage, eleven of whom have still not been released, at least five of whom are reported dead. But what of the seriously injured survivors?

Avida Bachar tragically lost his wife Dana and son Carmel on October 7. He also endured the destruction of their house and the loss of his leg. A source of immense pride for Avida is his 13-year-old daughter, Hadar, who, despite sustaining injuries, bravely survived the attack. From the safety of their home’s secure room, she took charge, attempting to manage her mother and brother’s wounds and ensure their safety, while calling for help.

Avida was rushed to Sheba Medical Center where he underwent surgeries, including amputation. An in-patient being rehabilitated and taught to walk again since then, he was finally well enough several weeks ago to be discharged. During the course of his long hospitalization, he became close to his physicians, nurses, therapists and other hospital staff, and they celebrated his discharge with him.

Then Avida did what any of us would want to do.
Avida went home.

However, he did not make the powerful journey alone. Sheba staff wasn’t finished with Avida.

His medical team from the Medical Center accompanied him to the south on the painful trip.

Seeing the destruction of his house and hearing him recount the harrowing events of that day where it happened was an emotional and moving experience for all of them.

It was a very bittersweet moment. Avida plans to rebuild and continue living in Be’eri, but of course everything has changed for him, his daughter Hadar and their community.

At how many hospitals in the world would this happen? In how many countries would people think and act this way? How many of us would have the strength of Avida and Hadar?

Israelis are there for each other as they pass across this narrow bridge. And Sheba Medical Center, with our support, will be there for Israel and Israelis.

Am Yisrael Chai


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