
How Sheba Saved a Baby Under Iranian Fire

April 14, 2024

Sheba Medical Center goes to great lengths, including regular drills, to ensure they can operate under all conditions of conflict.

Last night, under fire from the Iranian missile attack and with sirens going off, a team from Sheba sprang into action to answer the call.

Their goal was to transport a three-day old baby who had aspirated his own feces, from Kaplan Medical Center near Rehovot to the pediatric ICU in the Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital at Sheba for life-saving treatment.

Led by Dr. Evyatar Hubara, senior physician in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Dr. Eitan Keizman, Congenital & Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Resident, along with the skilled hands of Ben-Zion Dejavsarov, a pediatric intensive care unit nurse, and Didi Merizan, a resuscitation paramedic, this extraordinary team undertook this critical mission.

Despite the sirens, chaos and danger surrounding them, they put their own safety aside to ensure the well-being of this newborn.

Thanks to their expertise, bravery, and quick action, the baby arrived at Sheba in stable condition for life-saving treatment.

We salute the team for their dedication and commitment to saving lives, even in the most challenging circumstances. It is this kind of expertise and experience that led Germany to ask Sheba to consult on how to operate a major medical center under threat of missile attack.

Sheba stands ready to heal and treat regardless of circumstances.

Am Yisrael Chai


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