
Amit is Determined to Overcome This

August 16, 2024

Amit Bar is a 22-year-old soldier from the town of Lapid who grew up with a deep sense of duty to his country.

After high school, Amit attended a pre-military preparation school and was accepted into the elite Nahal Reconnaissance Unit. Following an injury, he transferred to Nahal’s 931st infantry battalion, where he served as the team’s grenade launcher.

On October 7 Amit was at home on a break from the army, having just completed three exhausting weeks on base. Early that morning, he was called back to defend Israel.

Amit, on the left, was featured on the cover of the IDF magazine: “Inside the Camp”.

Two months into the fighting in Gaza, on December 26th Amit and his platoon were on a mission to search a building for terrorists, weapons, and intelligence.

Suddenly, a booby-trap was triggered and they were engulfed in a massive explosion which killed the platoon’s commander, Shai Shamriz z”l and his right-hand Shaul Greenglick z”l, while twelve others were injured. Amit was among the most severely wounded. And then they came under Hamas gunfire.

Despite the chaos and bullets coming at them, the platoon fought back while they also tended to the wounded. Eventually Amit was evacuated to a Tel Aviv hospital.

The doctors discovered that his left leg was full of shrapnel from a metal door that exploded. To save his life, they made the difficult decision to amputate his leg.

A few weeks later, Amit was transferred to the rehabilitation department at Sheba Medical Center. The personal connection he developed with his physicians and therapists at Sheba has been crucial in his journey. They have been not only key to his physical rehabilitation but also play an integral role in his mental recovery. He can sense and feel the way that professionals he never met before his injury have made it a personal mission to heal him physically and mentally and help him walk again.

Amit remains at Sheba, working tirelessly in physiotherapy to regain his mobility and adapt to his new reality.

Amit’s strength and resilience, even in the face of such adversity, are truly inspiring. His genuine, contagious smile reflects the courage of a hero who, despite everything, remains determined to overcome his challenges. In Hebrew the name Amit means friend.

Am Yisrael Chai.

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