
Israel is doing THIS In the Middle of a War?

September 20, 2024

There is the damage and pain we can see during the current war. And there is the damage that is hidden.

Despite Israel being one of the most generous and connected countries in the world to advance worldwide human health, global corporations have increasingly postponed or canceled requests from Israeli hospitals for joint research.

As reported in All Israel News, an Israeli Health Ministry official said, “Some companies canceled, and others postponed because research coordinators didn’t come to Israel.”

Sheba, a leader in research and global partnerships, has seen a one-third drop in applications from the Helsinki Committee, as compared to a similar pre-war period last year. The Committee clears research applications from researchers, research companies, pharmaceutical firms and academic institutions for human trials or studies based on patient data and databases.

This is all the more frustrating because Sheba continues to be a generous global leader in humanitarian medical missions on behalf of Israel.

As you read this, Sheba Medical Center is leading a life-changing humanitarian mission in Ethiopia. A team from Sheba, led by Prof. Elhanan Bar-On, Director of the Center for Disaster Medicine & Humanitarian Response, and Prof. Tzipi Strauss, Director of the Neonatology Department and NICU, is currently at Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital, Bahir Dar University.

By sharing knowledge and expertise, Sheba is helping to enhance medical care and improve outcomes for children and families in Ethiopia.

The Sheba team is delivering advanced training sessions in pediatrics, including pediatric orthopedics, and neonatology for medical staff, residents, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Their mission includes hands-on skill lab workshops, seminars, and clinical and surgical services.

Sheba’s Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Medicine has done missions on every continent but North America, and their recent work has ranged from training Nigerian doctors in pediatric ocular cancer to helping the Kenyan government prepare for mass casualty events.

Even as Israel has been bloodied and battered in a life or death struggle to overcome the challenges of genocidal fanatical religious terrorists, they are extending a life-saving hand to the world.

Despite this, those who know and understand little would boycott or turn away from Israel in the name of “morality” and “international law”. Shame on them.

Be proud of Israel. Be fierce in defense of her. And be proud of Sheba Medical Center for what it is doing for the people of Ethiopia, and the world.

Am Yisrael Chai.

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