
Traumatization of a Country

November 28, 2023

Traumatization of a country

The 12 hostages and these young survivors are all hospitalized at Sheba Medical Center. Each person carries the burden of incomprehensible pain and trauma. The survivors gathered as a group, to strengthen and hug each other and connect with a bit of their shared pain. Each is a survivor of the massacre at the Nova music festival or the attack on the shelter near Kibbutz Reim.

To meet the massive trauma counseling challenge ahead of Israel, Sheba Medical Center is establishing a National Center for Trauma Counseling.  

The devastating attack on Israel by Hamas has led to over 1,300 deaths and 3,500 wounded. Individuals in the vicinity of the Hamas massacres, those who have lost friends and family, those with loved ones missing or taken captive, and the entire population in the line of fire from rockets launched at civilian centers, require expert psychological support.

The scale of this tragedy – and the need for immediate intervention – is immeasurable and growing daily.

Sheba Medical Center brings two important assets to help the people of Israel meet this massive trauma counseling challenge:

  1. Deep experience in treating emotional trauma and PTSD.
  2. World-class training and simulation capabilities to rapidly provide counseling skill sets to many others, from direct training to training new trainers.

As Israel’s largest Medical Center, the responsibility Sheba bears is immense. We need your financial support to establish a new national counseling and training center for trauma and PTSD.

By providing timely and targeted mental health support, we can help the hostages and survivors begin their journey towards healing and resilience. Join us and believe in the genius of Israel to survive.

Time is of the essence, and with your support, we can provide the lifeline that so many desperately need. At this critical juncture, your support enables us to act swiftly in aiding the needs our heroes and terror victims.

Please give today to help the Medical Center extend their lifesaving work to all those harmed mentally and physically by this terrible conflict.

p.s. Your gift today, Giving Tuesday, will be matched up to $50,000 for double the impact. You can make a profound difference in the lives of those affected – offering them hope, strength, and a path towards recovery.

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