

Israeli play therapy method helps Ukrainian children cope with wartime reality

August 25, 2022

Children don’t always know how to articulate their feelings, especially after trauma, but new therapeutic game developed by Israeli experts seeks to provide them with outlet to share and process […]

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Video Thumbnail: Sheba Medical Center in Ukraine

Sheba Medical Center in Ukraine

June 28, 2022

When the war with Russia in Ukraine began, Sheba answered the call for aid and rapidly established a field hospital in Western Ukraine. After six weeks and 6,100+ patient treated, […]

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Ukrainian toddler gets new lease on life, thanks to Sheba Medical Center

May 5, 2022

Oksana Boikul is a Ukrainian toddler who suffered from a rare, life-threatening birth defect called craniosynostosis, a condition in which the bones in a baby’s skull join together too early […]

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Israel Helps Seven-Year-Old Ukrainian Boy Evacuate for Eyesight-Saving Treatment at Tel Aviv Hospital

April 14, 2022

A seven-year-old Ukrainian twin boy suffering from a rare degenerative disease has been evacuated from Ukraine and rushed to Israel’s largest hospital in an attempt to save his eyesight. Mykhailo […]

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Israelis fly to Ethiopia to alleviate humanitarian crisis

April 13, 2022

Israeli medical and parliamentary officials fly to Ethiopia to see how Israeli hospitals can help Ethiopian hospitals treat civil war victims. The world has taken little notice of the civil […]

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Israeli medical team heads to Haiti to treat burn victims

April 8, 2022

Director of Israel’s National Burn Center leads mission to do surgeries and train local physicians in latest methods using donated Israeli equipment. On December 14, 2021, a fuel tank truck […]

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Some med students in Ukraine able to transfer to UNic

April 5, 2022

Medical students fleeing war-torn Ukraine will be able to continue their studies in Cyprus following an agreement between the University of Nicosia and Israel’s Sheba Medical Center, the two organisations […]

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Israeli field hospital on Ukraine border performs first C-Section

April 1, 2022

The C-section was carried out by the Sheba Medical Center Maternity Hospital Team, in cooperation with local hospital staff in the Ukrainian city of Mostyska The Sheba Medical Center team […]

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Blinken takes virtual tour of Israeli field hospital in Ukraine

March 29, 2022

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly spoke favorably about the Israeli medical teams working on the ground in Ukraine. During a visit to a diplomatic summit in the Negev, Secretary […]

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Healing strangers in the middle of a war zone

March 29, 2022

Israeli field hospital treating civilians in Ukraine is ‘a landmark in the history of Israeli aid overseas.’ For a moment, Yoel Har-Even was distracted. We were speaking via Zoom from […]

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