

Live from Ukraine at Sheba Medical Center’s Field Hospital

March 28, 2022

Tune into a briefing from Israel’s field hospital in Ukraine with Yoel Har-Evan. Yoel is the Director of the International Division and Resource Development at Sheba Medical Center, and is […]

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Ukraine war: Israeli femtech to help save the lives of moms and babies

March 11, 2022

“Most of the clinical cases so far have been very trivial, like using the results to help change their medication,” Dr. Avi Tsur, director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Beyond, told […]

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Sheba Leads Israel’s Field Hospital in Ukraine

March 10, 2022

Watch Steve Walz, international media spokesperson at Sheba medical center iterview with i24 News about Sheba’s involvement in helping Ukrainian refugees    

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Sheba is Sending a Field Hospital to Western Ukraine

March 6, 2022

For the first time in its 74-year history, Israel’s #1 medical center, Sheba Medical Center, is sending a field hospital to a war zone, in western Ukraine. Sheba will operate […]

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Israel to establish a field hospital in war-ravaged Ukraine next week

March 5, 2022

Facility to be operated by pair of HMOs, hospital staff members, will include emergency and delivery rooms, a primary care clinic Israel will set up a field hospital in Ukraine […]

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Doctors in Israel care for Ukrainians 1,200 miles away, as tech shrinks world

March 3, 2022

Using computerized systems built in Israel, physicians examine refugees on the Ukraine-Moldova border, check lungs, blood stats and even conduct prenatal ultrasounds In an office near Tel Aviv, a doctor […]

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‘They lost everything’: Israeli medics treat Ukrainians amid chaos on Moldova border

March 1, 2022

An Israeli medical team on Ukraine’s border with Moldova said tens of thousands of refugees are crossing over in need of medical and psychological support after harrowing journeys to safety. […]

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Israeli virtual hospital is caring for Ukrainian refugees

February 28, 2022

CTO of Sheba Beyond, a virtual hospital at Sheba Medical Center, goes with United Hatzalah’s medical mission to set up remote care and monitoring. Israel’s Sheba Medical Center is spearheading […]

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Vera, age 10, “gets all the attention” – Emotional Journey from Ukraine to Israel

February 15, 2022

Vera came to Israel from Ukraine to undergo a valve transplant via catheter to correct a heart defect • This is the first operation of its kind in such a […]

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Hippocratic Israel; hypocritical world: Jewish state aid goes uncredited – opinion

January 20, 2022

By DAVID M. WEINBERG Israel gets almost no international credit for its many humanitarian medical activities. The UN has slandered Israel with yet another report containing ugly charges of “ethnic […]

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