As the people of Israel continue to need support, join us in one of our upcoming missions.
There are multiple opportunities to bear witness and make a positive impact on Israel during this incredibly challenging time.
American Friends of Sheba Medical Center will be hosting missions throughout the next few months, where you have the chance to volunteer, visit with the wounded, and hear from Sheba and government leaders.
These missions will involve walking tours, walking on uneven ground and moderate physical exertion. If you are uncertain about your ability to fully participate, please email Jessica Ben Nun at to discuss in further detail.
**YL is reserved exclusively for ages 25-40.
At this moment of generational challenge for Israel and the Jewish people, join the American Friends of Sheba Medical Center in bringing love, volunteerism, and a helping hand to the people of Israel.
Travel with us to Israel and feel the impact of your solidarity – heal broken hearts with hope through your leadership and philanthropy.
This mission promises not only a profound connection to Israel’s contemporary challenges and the indomitable spirit of its people, but also an opportunity to give your hands and your heart in person to our brothers and sisters at this terrible moment.
To get involved and learn more about AFSMC’s National Young Leadership mission and programing contact Dorit at
Have questions about our upcoming missions? Want to be involved with future missions?
Reach out and let’s talk.